Monthly Girls Nozaki-Kun is a wonderful anime about a teenage girl named Chiyo who has a crush. When the girl confesses her feelings, the boy (Nozaki) misunderstands her and thinks she’s a fan of his work! He thought that she wanted to work with him- Later, Chiyo finds out that Nozaki is actually a famous manga author!
Monthly Girls Nozaki-Kun is a wonderful anime for tweens and teens everywhere. It stars Chiyo Sakura, a young sixteen year old girl who is in love with a boy in her school named Nozaki. One day, she decided to go confess her feelings, but chickened out and just said, “I’m your fan!” Nozaki shrugged it off, pulled out a piece of paper, and wrote down an autograph for her. She was shocked, because he’d obviously gotten the wrong idea. She decided to clear up the situation by saying, “I want to be close to you!” Nozaki still didn’t get it, but said, “If that’s how you feel, come to my place.” Chiyo was really surprised!
When Chiyo got to Nozaki’s apartment, the boy handed her a paper with an anime boy drawn on it and said, “Can you do beta?” She cautiously said yes, and started to fill in the marked spaces on her piece of paper.
After asking what she was doing, Nozaki filled her in, saying he was a shojo manga author and she was doing his beta work. It turns out he thought she wanted to work for him! After leaving, Chiyo looked at her autograph closely. It was signed by Yumeno Sakiko, one of Chiyo’s favorite manga authors! Nozaki WAS Yumeno Sakiko!
Soon, Chiyo meets some of Nozaki’s other co-workers, and makes new memories she’ll never forget! It’s very obvious she likes Nozaki, but none of her friends notice, and neither does her crush! How does Nozaki write love stories if he’s never been in love himself? Find out by watching the awesome Monthly Girls Nozaki-Kun anime!
(Rated PG but I wouldn’t recommend to children under the age of 12)